For Writers
Submission Package Critique Service
Got quibbles with your query? Struggling with your synopsis? Crossed by your characters? Why not get some expert help from a friendly, well-published children's writing tutor?
Specialising in children's and YA books, Tamsyn offers a critique service package designed to give you the edge when submitting to agents and editors. For £75, she will read your first three chapters (up to 7500 words), your synopsis and query letter and offer advice on what you're doing right, as well as what can be improved. You will receive an annotated copy of your opening chapters\synopsis, with strengths and weaknesses highlighted, and a detailed written report on how to make your overall submission stand out from the slushpile. Tamsyn will do her best to answer any questions you may have about her comments and also offers follow-up advice for those last minute submission worries. And should you decide you'd like her to re-read your work following rewriting, a reduced fee may be negotiated.
Ebook Formatting Service
Tamsyn can format your ebook ready for publication on sites like Amazon and Kobo, to include images, chapter and purchase links. Reasonable rates - get in touch for a quote!
So what are you waiting for? Email for more information. |